Friday, September 21, 2007

Boring Day

Ta-Daaa.. I'm so bored at work. Got no actual task to be done. Then, as a result I've updated the look and feel of my blogs..
Hahahahaha.. I'm such a bad employee ^_^

Another bad week

Oh maannn... I just had to considered that this week is one of the bad weeks in my life. The worst yet have to come. It all happens on Tuesday around 6pm on NKVE Damansara exit when I was on my way back to Shah Alam. The weather that day is so perfect, as the sun was shining and there was no gray clouds smears the blue sky. Traffics course can be considered quite good even though there was many car spooling the tolls way. My mood at that time was very happy and my brain was planning on what to have to break my fast whilst driving my back.

As I was driving slowly queuing up on the TnGo lane all of the sudden, a Chinese girl whom drove a Kancil banged my car from behind. The impact of the crashed made me very shocked, but thank god for my good reflexes, my legs hit the brake as hard as I could. At that moment, I was just praying to God not to make my car a "Kelisa sandwich". After making sure the car behind me had stopped completely, I pull on the hand brakes and get out of the car and check at the car in front of me. It maybe sounds silly, as other people might want to check where your car was damaged but I have to ensure that I didn't hit the car in front of me - a new 5 Series BMW..

Thankfully god had answered my quick prayers.. I managed to stop in time. Then, when I saw the driver who hit me is a girl whom is still "P" my anger dissipated then and there. Seeing her, my mind flew back to 8 months ago, when I was once in her shoes.. Huhuhuhu... She's started panicking, and calling her dad. I've asked her to move our car to the road side first, but it seems that she is so in panic that she declined. Because of us, the tolls traffic increases. Due to the waste of a TnGo lane and also, the fact that most of the cars is slowing down watching "our accident".

When she'd calm down after talking to his dad, I gave her my business card and also get her personal details from her. She kept saying sorry to me over and over again. Then, she asked me to spoke to her father. Luckily, the father understands and asks me not to lodge a report to the police since her daughter is still under probation. My stands is simple. You fixed my car then I have no complaint.

The next morning, my dad brings me to a workshop in Sri Subang ( the place where my Kelisa got her skirtings done). While waiting for the girl father, another accident happened right in front of me. The mechanics tried to reverse a customer car - white Honda Civic 98. All of the sudden, he was reversing way too fast without noticing there was a trailer coming from the opposite directions. The back of the car was totally crashed. The mechanic was so lucky as he's not injured at all. The front of the trailer damaged quite bad.

Since these incidents happened is the same week, my younger brother said I'm jinxed for the week. Yeah, right.. There he goes with the superstitious believes. I think that, no matter how careful we can be, if the accidents meant to be happened, it will happens anyway..

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ramdahan Al-Mubarak

Yeah, Ramadhan kembali menjengah semua umat Islam di dunia. Kebiasaanya, waktu2 ini laaa umat Islam akan sibuk mengumpul nikmat bulan mulia ini - Tarawikh.. Huhuhu.. Malu untuk aku katakan, sudah genap 5 hari kita berpuasa, aku tidak berkesempatan langsung untuk mengerjakan Tarawikh.. Bukannyer tak mahu atau malas, tetapi terpaksa menguruskan juadah buka dan sahur... Penat sangat-sangat... Weih, Kak Mimie, balik laaaaaa cepat..... (Waaaaaaaaaaa... Gila rindu kat ko)

Oh yeah, sebut psl Kak Mimie yg tgh merantau kat London tue... Sebenarnya, aku pun teringin nak merantau kat overseas, takde laaa lama.. maybe 2-3 yrs is enough.. Dah 2 offer telah ku tolak, sebab mama tak bagi.. Tiap kali aku tanya boleh tak aku merantau, sure Mama jawab "Habis tue, kalo dah sumer dah gie keluar, saper yang nak duduk kat rumah"... Aihhh... terasa ketidak-adilan berlaku kepada aku...