Monday, November 20, 2006

Encounter with a Psychotic

Last Saturday, I went to watch movie wif my dear shopping mate. Unfortunately, we arrive to MidValley a wee late, around 12pm which force us to take 3pm showtime (for the latest Bond movie). So, to kill our time we hanged out at MPH for free reading :P While browsing around tons of books, a guy approach me nicely starting on a pleasant conversation. well, naturally I will be polite to him and enjoy our convesation as a normal human being. After chit-chatting on general topics for 5-10 minutes, i've to excused myself as the clock ticking off to 2pm (since I've agreed with my friend that we're going to have lunch past 2pm). Suddenly, the 'nice' guy turn out to be a 'psycho' and don't want me to take my leave. He had grabbed my arm, blocked my way and cornering me to the book rack.

I'm starting to panicking but manage to calm myself down because there's many people there. I've threatened him, that I would shouted for help if he try to do something to me. This psycho doesn't even intimidated with my threat. He said that if you do that, you will only embarrassed urself. Then, suddenly he asked me with whom I'm coming with? Where's that guy and so on.. He's starting to take in my nerve. Finally, I just broke free from him by stomping my heels on his foot (since he's standing very close to me at that time..).. Gosh, I was pretty terrified..

Luckily, I've met with my friend after a few moment as he's also looking for me.. I don't think he know how very relieve I am seeing him at that time.. Huhuhu, seriously... I've learn the lessons.. "Don't speak to strangers".. or "having a suspicious nature or be cautious at times are good for you"... or keeping up my bengis attitude towards strangers (especially guys).. I think the psycho wacko guy are in despressed (his gf just dumped him) or desperate (desperado are very dangerous) or he is a psycho... I would be extra careful next time...


FiLzAHNuRJoHaR said...

hauhauah... psychotic guy... shud kick on his gonads or bang his face on cupboard (evil laugh) ;)

Hidayah said...

If I do that, people might think that I assaulted him first.. (even though in my mind, that's the option I would do.. muahahaha)